
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

19 Kinds of Prayer to Help You Actually Enjoy Talking To God

“To pray is to descend with the mind into the heart, and [there ascend] to stand before the face of the Lord, ever present, all seeing, within you [and on the throne].”
- Theophan the Recluse

Growing up, most of us were told to pray before bed and before meals and we saw our preacher do it on Sundays, but we never put much thought into what it actually was.  At times we think of it as a check list and duty. Last Wednesday at InterVarsity, Ann gave a great definition of prayer to shake loose these misconceptions, that "prayer is conversation between two people in love, you and Jesus."  Like any conversation, if you don't know the person very well, it can be awkward.  But as you talk more and get comfortable, great friendships can form.  Many of us never get past small talk with God, having only brief awkward interactions followed by days or weeks of silence.  But if we want to get to know God, our Creator, our Abba Father, we must talk to Him. Without communication relationships die.  But different people communicate in different ways and having deep convos every time you chat with a friend wears you out.  Sometimes you just want to catch up or hang out.

Inspired by that thought I have put together a list of 19 different kinds of prayer which can help us communicate with God in a variety of ways.  I took these from a book called Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun as well as my own experience in InterVarsity and Vineyard.  It is extensive but not comprehensive.  They range from contemplative silent prayers, to prayers that get you moving, to group prayers.  My hope is that you will bookmark this page and use it as a resource for connecting to God when your prayer gets a little stale, because every relationship needs to change things up sometimes. Build your relationship with God! Get praying!

1. Breathe Prayer - form of contemplative prayer linked to the rhythms of breathing: 1) breathe in, calling on a biblical name of image of God, and 2) breathe out in a simple God-given desire. E.g. (breathe in) “Jesus, Son of David” (breathe out) “have mercy on me, a sinner.”  You may also pray a short verse. (In) “The Lord is my shepherd” (out) “I shall not be in want.” Recall this prayer throughout the day as a way to re-focus on God, practice being in His presence, and pray continually.

2. Centering Prayer - a form of contemplative prayer where the pray-er seeks to quiet scattered thoughts and desires in the still center of Christ’s presence. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes, settle into a comfortable position, tell God you are intentionally placing yourself in His presence, then choose a simple word, phrase, name of God, or verse that expresses your desire for God. Perhaps read a psalm then pick something that resonated with you. Allow yourself to be still and become quiet as you focus on that word or phrase and rest in His presence. As distracting thoughts come into your mind, gently bring your mind back to the word. You may come back to that word throughout the day to still yourself and remind yourself of God.  Feel free to play around with different forms of contemplative prayer that stills your mind and rests in the presence of God.

Judging From A Google Search of 'prayer,' God doesn't hear you unless you're a silhouette. 

3. Conversational Prayer - Engaging in a conversation with God by yourself or in a group. When alone, speak with God like you would a friend, engage in a dialogue about what is on your mind right then. Try to get alone by going for a walk or sitting in your car so you can speak to God out loud. In a group, engage in the conversation together, taking turns praying about topics briefly as you are led by each other and the Holy Spirit. This teaches us to speak with God naturally and unself-consciously, listening to His Spirit in response, avoiding the pressure of the pre-planned flowery prayers we think we need.

4. Fasting - the self-denial of normal necessities in order to intentionally attend to God in prayer for repentance, wisdom, or out of concern for others, yourself, and the world.  It brings attachments and cravings to the surface as a reminder that Jesus alone can satisfy. It is also a practice of, like Paul, “keep our body under control,” to “live according to the Spirit” instead of the flesh, and to build a disciplined character which resists temptation.  Fasts may include: food, drink, media (TV, social media, phone), comforts (naps, desert), etc for any length of time, but stick with it!

5. Fixed Hour Prayer - Regular and consistent patterns of attending to God throughout the day as a way of “sanctifying time” and building God into our everyday life. This may include setting a timer to pray at the top of every hour, taking the few minutes in between classes to pray, or taking a longer 10-15 prayer morning, afternoon, and evening. For 1,600 years the Order of St. Benedict have used a schedule of a night prayer, a waking-prayer, prayers for beginning work, giving-thanks prayers in mid-morning, noon-day prayer of commitment, a mid-afternoon prayer, an evening prayer of stillness, and a going to sleep prayer of trust.  Feel free to be creative in your schedule or types of prayer used. What’s important is intentionally connecting to God at regular intervals throughout the day.

6. Healing Prayer - Contrary to what some may believe, God does still heal! Prayer is not magic and God is not bound to our requests but He is certainly able to heal and does, both physically and emotionally.  Praying for healing can be scary because it puts us in the place of asking God to the miraculous and risking He may say no. But He can never say yes unless we ask! Seven words that can change someone's life are “Can I pray for you right now?”  Prayer for physical healing may involve appropriately placing one’s hand on the injury (always ask!) and asking for God’s presence and kingdom to restore and heal the injury.  In our culture, the need for emotional healing is even greater. Emotional healing means asking for God to bring to the surface wounds and lies that shape how we live and see the world, for Jesus to place himself in that place, and to take that wound and heal it.  Listen to what he may be saying. We may have our own emotional wounds that we need to go to Jesus with as well.

7. Intercessory Prayer - Coming to God to intercede on behalf of yourself, others, or the world.  It is a great mystery that God knows the desires of our hearts yet still wants us to ask Him and that He listens and responds to our prayer.  Our prayer has direct effect in the world, especially in the spiritual realm, even if it may not seem like it.  This is praying that God breaks our heart for what breaks His, for His Kingdom to come and will be done, for our family, friends, campus, country, and more.  This may be done alone in a variety of ways such as prayer walk, as well as directly with someone, similar to healing prayer.

8. Labyrinth Prayer - Making a quiet, listening pilgrimage to God.  Pilgrimages to the Holy Land were common practice for early Christians as a way of reconnecting with their roots and getting right before God. Later Christians began building their own labyrinth (like a really simple 3-D maze) to walk in order to replicate the experience.  Today we may replicate the experience by going on a walk to some pre-planned destination, with the intention of getting away from distractions, centering yourself on Christ, sorting things out with God, and spending time with Him at the destination before returning renewed.  We may go on a mental labyrinth prayer of sorts when we get alone with God and talk through a conflict or dilemma. Many today even use a pen to trace their way through a printed labyrinth to replicate the same experience. Just google “Labyrinth," like below.

9. Liturgical Prayer - Written or memorized prayer that serves as a framework for individual or corporate worship and devotion.  This is what we do when we pray the Lord’s Prayer together or recite the Apostle’s Creed and is often used in a Catholic, Lutheran, or Anglican church service.  Look up the Common Book of Prayer or search Liturgical Prayer to find other historical prayer that help us engage with our history and with God in a different way. This may also include praying a piece of scripture as your own such as Psalm 139 or Psalm 51 (also known as Scripture Prayer). In that vein you may insert your own name into a scripture as a way to personalize it.

10. Prayer Partner/Group - Regular gathering with trusted fellow believers to pray for each other, your communities, the world, or other needs.  This is especially productive when formed around a common communities (sports team, fraternity, campus group).  Prayer in the group may be done in a variety of ways.  A “prayer meeting” may be a one time event for a specific cause.

11. Prayer of Recollection - a type of contemplative prayer with the specific purpose of relinquishing one’s false self, ego, pride, and culturally created identity in order to remember and “recollect” our God-given identity, and rest in the truth that we are a new creation, reborn, a son or daughter of God, and an heir to the King of Kings.

12. Prayer Walking - a way of praying for a particular location that you are concerned about by placing you in the actual geographical place and praying God’s kingdom to come and His spirit the be poured over over it. For example, walking around campus in order to pray for campus. Praying for the freshman dorms and all those within as you walk by, for Meredith, students and professors, as you walk by it. This often precludes a new beginning or a particular event such as praying for Greek street before a big party week or around the arts building before starting a drama ministry.

13. Praying in Tongues - Praying in tongues is a particular gift of the Spirit that not everyone has, so if you attempt it and it doesn’t come, that’s fine.  You are equally valuable in the Body of Christ and gifted in other ways. However, praying in tongues is mysterious and weird, but also very valuable.  Paul says that praying in tongues is the groans of the Spirit, speaking in tongues of men and angels, when our words are not enough.  Practically, this happens in that moment of prayer when we run out of cognitive words to say but feel our soul burning to say more.  When we simply let our vocal chords speak anyway, this is the Holy Spirit within us speaking through us.  It is important that Paul says tongues edifies (instructs, improves) oneself, not others.  It is possible for one to “interpret” the tongue (either because they hear it in their own language or are given a word by the Spirit) in a way that gives instruction to others.  But this is the only time tongues should be done before the congregation/group, otherwise it is a private thing between you and God. For more about tongues, see: 1 Corinthians 12-14
14. Korean Prayer  - A style of corporate adapted from Korean churches in which, rather than one person pray or every prays quietly, everyone in the assembly prays individually to God out loud.

15. Night Watch  - Setting apart time late at night to forgo sleep and instead spend time in prayer, reading Scripture, and worship, connecting to God. During David’s reign, he had musicians and priests praying and worshipping 24/7 throughout the night.  In a time when the rest of the world is sleeping, the Night Watch is a special way to set aside all distractions and spend extended time engaging with God.  You may start off with any amount of time and build up to longer stretches. What’s important is setting an extended period of time that will allow to engage with God in a variety of ways.  Think of watching the live feed of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, which has been doing 24/7 prayer since 1999 and has a group of people doing the Night Watch every night from 12-6AM.

16. Listening Prayer - A way of being still to hear from God. Prayer is not a monologue but a dialogue in which it is possible for God to respond in a variety of ways.  Rarely does God speak through a loud booming voice but through a single word, phrase, scripture, or image. People often call this recieving “a word” from God.  Do not feel discouraged if it seems awkward or difficult.  Often it is difficult to tell the difference between God and our own thoughts but thought repetition we can learn to discern (and we could still be wrong).  SImply take the time to still your mind, welcome the Holy Spirit, and ask God to speak.  This may be done alone, directly for another person, or in a group setting.  As you get comfortable hearing from God and make prayer a part of your everyday life, you may find yourself hearing God on a regular basis.

17. Treasure Hunt -  This is listening prayer with a particular purpose and direction alone or in a group.  You are asking God for revelation, signs, and divine appointments before you go out to an area, event, or campus.  Time is spent in listening prayer as a group, with each person writing down words or images that come to mind.  Each person then shares before the group goes out and looks for those images as a sign of where God wants them to go or what He wants them to do.  Again, don’t be discouraged! It’s amazing how many images people think are totally random and stupid but several people received and is seen when on the treasure hunt.  This technique has been used to find out from God where sex trafficking is going on in a city, which the group responded to by going to those places and prayer, as well going on prayer walks on campuses.

18. Lectio Divina - A type of contemplative prayer that includes reading and meditating on a passage of scripture in four stages.  1) Read through the passage slowly and gradually, perhaps several times. 2)Meditate on the meaning of the passage by letting the Holy Spirit guide you in understanding. 3)Pray by having a conversation with God about the passage and how the Holy Spirit is moving and speaking to you 4) Contemplate by sitting in silent prayer before God and letting the things you have learned and God has shown you to sink in.

19. Gospel Contemplation - Similar to Lectio Divina, this a type of prayer that involves Scripture.  Read through one of stories in the Gospels of Jesus interacting with person like when he heals a beggar or talks to the woman at the well.  Read it again and familiarize yourself with the details.  Then in your mind place yourself in the scene and observe the surroundings, how Jesus is acting, how people respond, etc.  Meditate on what this means for how Jesus looks at and loves you.  Talk to God about what how this experience is shaping your knowledge of Jesus.

What do you think?? Any kinds of prayer that you use that I missed? Comment below!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Read This Amazing Poem, Written by a Former Slave, on the Grace and Providence of God

"The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano" is the autobiography of a man captured as a child and spent most of his life in slavery around the world.  He wrote it to give to the English Parliament and help with the abolition of the slave trade. It is fascinating and I highly recommend reading or listening to the audiobook for free (its in the public domain).

Most awesome is the story of him finding Jesus and true joy for the first time in his life, resting in the assurance of his Salvation by the blood of Christ and the hand of Providence through his life. If you go online and scroll down to read chapter 10, the description of his final run in with the grace of God is astounding and reminds me a lot about my own story. He describes how in a flood of tears he saw his utter sinfulness before a holy God, he saw the insane loving atonement of Jesus on the cross, and saw the hand of God as He had worked in his life.  All of the pain and sorrow which he carried with him from all his experiences get laid before the cross and are turned into complete joy and freedom in a few short paragraphs. It's so awesome to have the same experience with the same God that Olaudah Equiano, the Ethiopian slave turned abolitionist, had 300 years ago!!

Below is a poem he wrote of his experiences (its long but amazing).

Well may I say my life has been
One scene of sorrow and of pain;
From early days I griefs have known,
And as I grew my griefs have grown:

Dangers were always in my path;
And fear of wrath, and sometimes death;
While pale dejection in me reign'd
I often wept, by grief constrain'd.

When taken from my native land,
By an unjust and cruel band,
How did uncommon dread prevail!
My sighs no more I could conceal.

'To ease my mind I often strove,
And tried my trouble to remove:
I sung, and utter'd sighs between—
Assay'd to stifle guilt with sin.

'But O! not all that I could do
Would stop the current of my woe;
Conviction still my vileness shew'd;
How great my guilt—how lost from God!

'Prevented, that I could not die,
Nor might to one kind refuge fly;
An orphan state I had to mourn,—
Forsook by all, and left forlorn.'

Those who beheld my downcast mien
Could not guess at my woes unseen:
They by appearance could not know
The troubles that I waded through.

'Lust, anger, blasphemy, and pride,
With legions of such ills beside,
Troubled my thoughts,' while doubts and fears
Clouded and darken'd most my years.

'Sighs now no more would be confin'd—
They breath'd the trouble of my mind:
I wish'd for death, but check'd the word,
And often pray'd unto the Lord.'

Unhappy, more than some on earth,
I thought the place that gave me birth—
Strange thoughts oppress'd—while I replied
"Why not in Ethiopia died?"

And why thus spared, nigh to hell?—
God only knew—I could not tell!
'A tott'ring fence, a bowing wall
thought myself ere since the fall.'

'Oft times I mused, nigh despair,
While birds melodious fill'd the air:
Thrice happy songsters, ever free,
How bless'd were they compar'd to me!'

Thus all things added to my pain,
While grief compell'd me to complain;
When sable clouds began to rise
My mind grew darker than the skies.

The English nation call'd to leave,
How did my breast with sorrows heave!
I long'd for rest—cried "Help me, Lord!
Some mitigation, Lord, afford!"

Yet on, dejected, still I went—
Heart-throbbing woes within were pent;
Nor land, nor sea, could comfort give,
Nothing my anxious mind relieve.

Weary with travail, yet unknown
To all but God and self alone,
Numerous months for peace I strove,
And numerous foes I had to prove.

Inur'd to dangers, griefs, and woes,
Train'd up 'midst perils, deaths, and foes,
I said "Must it thus ever be?—
No quiet is permitted me."

Hard hap, and more than heavy lot!
I pray'd to God "Forget me not—
What thou ordain'st willing I'll bear;
But O! deliver from despair!"

Strivings and wrestlings seem'd in vain;
Nothing I did could ease my pain:
Then gave I up my works and will,
Confess'd and own'd my doom was hell!

Like some poor pris'ner at the bar,
Conscious of guilt, of sin and fear,
Arraign'd, and self-condemned, I stood—
'Lost in the world, and in my blood!'

Yet here,'midst blackest clouds confin'd,
A beam from Christ, the day-star, shin'd;
Surely, thought I, if Jesus please,
He can at once sign my release.

I, ignorant of his righteousness,
Set up my labours in its place;
'Forgot for why his blood was shed,
And pray'd and fasted in its stead.'

He dy'd for sinners—I am one!
Might not his blood for me atone?
Tho' I am nothing else but sin,
Yet surely he can make me clean!

Thus light came in, and I believ'd;
Myself forgot, and help receiv'd!
My Saviour then I know I found,
For, eas'd from guilt, no more I groan'd.

O, happy hour, in which I ceas'd
To mourn, for then I found a rest!
My soul and Christ were now as one—
Thy light, O Jesus, in me shone!

Bless'd be thy name, for now I know
I and my works can nothing do;
"The Lord alone can ransom man—
For this the spotless Lamb was slain!"

When sacrifices, works, and pray'r,
Prov'd vain, and ineffectual were,
"Lo, then I come!" the Saviour cry'd,
And, bleeding, bow'd his head and dy'd!

He dy'd for all who ever saw
No help in them, nor by the law:—
I this have seen; and gladly own
"Salvation is by Christ alone!"

Hallelujah Olaudah! I can hardly wait for the day we meet in Glory and worship Christ our Lord together!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Throne Room (spoken word full text)

On Wednesday the 5th I was scheduled to give a talk at InterVarsity about Worship.  As I continued to pray and fast about what I might say, I felt God calling me to not merely tell people about worship, but to show people how to worship. This began taking shape around the idea of getting people out of their comfort zones and routine in order to really engage with God.  I had some ideas but then after the Super Bowl party on the 2nd, I got in my car and begin talking through what I might say... and it started rhyming.  I went home and began writing. Three hours later my entire talk had come out in spoken word poetry.  

Before it was all over, that Wednesday took shape by doing an old school Liturgy, the Rite of Eucharist from the Common Book of Prayer, with modern worship songs, communion, and a 12 minute spoken word sermon.  It was an amazing night of pushing through the monotony of routine and entering the Throne Room of God in worshipping with my brothers and sisters in InterVarsity. 

Below is the full text of the spoken word poem I gave. I call it "The Throne Room."

Seth Hedman 2/2/14

Bear with me for just a second.
close your eyes, go ahead.
Now imagine a time before time, a time before seconds
Hard, isn’t it?
When in eternity the infinite love of the trinity was in perfect unity, none second.
Now open em.
If there’s one thing that still bugs me about God it’s why He exists at all.
But that’s nonsensical cus He was and is and is to come
“I am what I am” He exists. Period. That’s all.
Eternal, all-loving, all-powerful, and Holy
Infinitely wise, assigning your life’s place and time
Your country, your hair, your race, your eyes.
But then despite God’s perfect self-satisfying Glory and tho He needs nothing,
He creates
He makes spiritual beings: angels and elders, cherubim and seraphim.
Purely for the purpose of glorifying and worshipping Him.
Then He makes the physical universe, heavens and earth.
As angels ooh and ahh at every Planet, fish, and molecule of dirt.
Did you know if light travels around the Earth in 1 second, seven times
How insane is a universe 64 billion light years wide? Cus Glory, that’s why.
Truly the Heavens declare the Glory of God
for this purpose they pour forth speech day and night.
But then He does something different.
He makes something physical and spiritual, made in His image
To not merely express Glory like a fan
But to share in, dwell in, participate in, and live in His fellowship and Glory
And He calls it Man
And tho the angels worshipped God for the works of His hands
Lucifer and many more could not tolerate this Man
So they declared war on God’s great plan
and made it their job to destroy us and the image of God we had
But God knew better and He knew all along
That He would make a way tho things went wrong
Through Abraham, through Moses, through the Ark,  you know this
Where God’s back glory made Moses’ face glow and freak people out
cus if he has seen God’s face it would have killed him, no doubt
Smoke and rumblings, lighting and thunder
Fall on your face, fear of God, awe and wonder
Where a pillar of fire and smoke led them night and day
and Holy of Holies killed you if your were impure or insincere in any way

God’s plan for glory would not be stopped
God’s plan for worship will not be stopped.
Then it all changes and He comes down Himself
The Son leaves the infinite Glory and puts His hands in the dirt
The King of Kings in helpless babe, unplanned and poor, came to save
The Glory of God in the body of man? Amazing what He’ll do to fulfill His plan!!
Then He dies and is sacrificed, and we’re sanctified and washed white inside.
But that’s just the means to what He provides.
That same eternal Glory! Shekinah! Pillar of fire! That required priests to wear a wire round their foot in case they died!
That’s the Holy Spirit now living inside!
And one day Jesus will return and sit on the throne
And in our glorified bodies everyone will know
That’s God’s plan cannot be stopped and that Jesus is Lord
Then a new heaven and new earth will unite God and man, once and all
and the Glory that’s in us now will be all around
and the angels and elders, cherubim and seraphim will gather to worship Him
But now there’s a new addition when the Saints go marching in!
and every tribe and tongue and people and nation
will fulfill God’s plan, God’s will, God’s vision
for all things in all creation to share in His glory and simply worship Him
Why worship? is like asking why He exists, its dumb
Cus Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come!

So when we worship in song and deed, we don’t just sing, we share in the mystery
the divine conspiracy for worship and glory
That glory is inside of us and itching to get out, to bring that throne room to here and now.
We’re the preview of what’s to come
We have access to live the trailer of the throne room of God
But is that what’s coming soon to a church near you?
Is that Sunday Mornings? Is that your life? Is that what we do?
Cus if its not then we’re wasting our time, wasting our lives, and I won’t waste mine
On ritual and tradition and going through the motions
Going cus you’re supposed to and if your Christian that’s just what you do
Thats a ridiculous way to spend your life when there’s infinitely more available to you.
David danced like a fool because of the Ark
And we have that presence inside our hearts!
He didn’t let cultural propriety or what others thought
Keep him from the freedom and fullness of worshipping God
He saw the big picture of worship and Glory
and wanted to share in it during his part of this earthly story
One day, he says, I’ll be honored by those slave girls
Cus when they’re dancing side by side in heaven they’ll think
“Wow, he actually got it while he was still in the world.”
Don’t you want to experience that right here and now?
Is our white evan-jellyfish churchianity, standing straight and stiff, singing monotone, really what its all about?
I’m tellin you, you’ve got Kingdom glory and joy and freedom inside of you, you just gotta let it out.

But a lot of times it gets covered up by sin and idolatry
The only thing that outweighs our apathy is our hypocrisy
We were created to worship God and God alone above all else
He’s the fuel our souls run on, without it there’s a breakdown of community and self
Idols replace God and they’re not always statues of wood and stone
They look like money, sex, relationships, fame, popularity, success, addiction.
Even a nice, three bedroom home
And Psalm 50 says those who worship idols become like them
Eyes but not seeing, ears but not hearing.
Sound familiar?
That’s exactly what Jesus said of the Pharisees, whose religious idols were ritual and tradition and looking how they were supposed to be.
Sound familiar?
Those white washed tombs and brood of vipers were so blinded and so foolish
That they stood before the very incarnate Son of God, the Word made flesh, who healed the sick and raised from the dead
and they said “let’s kill him.”
That presence and manifestation of God, full of Glory, full of Grace and Truth
about whom David leaped and prophets prophesied
The promise which Abraham trusted in and Isaac and Jacob and Moses and Daniel and all the others looked forward to, but which never realized.
Until then. God made flesh standing before their very eyes.
And they missed it.
Because of idolatry and pride.
So when we, who have the Spirit and Glory of God living inside us, the Counselor whom Jesus said it would better for us to have than His physical presence,
And it seems like we couldn’t care less
and giggle at conviction and are scared of passion or expression
Who water down everything for fear of offending cus God knows Jesus always avoided controversy
I fear for the idols we’re actually worshipping.
We need to, like Jesus, take a whip of cords to our hearts
To flip the tables of culture and sin that are keeping us and God apart.
I’m not saying you’re not saved.
When we trust in Him, God’s grace and faithfulness is greater than any of our sin.
But I am saying there is infinitely more than the bare requirements to get in,
And this is a mess we’re in.

We’re consumerists who sit back and judge worship like American Idol
Your personal preferences for song selection are more important than authentically worshipping God? That’s another American Idol.
We’re incomplete people, men without chests,
with problems bland worship once a week won’t fix
Our spiritual act of worship is as a living sacrifice, Romans 12
That means being a whole person, in everything you do
Being the same person Sunday mornings as Saturday nights, Fridays as well.
Cus worship is not a genre and church is not a building
I’m the church, you’re the church, and worship is in everything
No geographical place, or time, or occupation, is any more spiritual than any other
We worship is Spirit and in Truth, in our classes, sports, and loving our brother.
Whatever you do, do it for His glory. Participate, here and now, in that eternal story.
God’s wants control of your life, to be knee deep in it, in everything
There should never be a time when you stop worshipping
So let all the idols go, smash them, you must
All the pride, duty, proprietary, and lust
You’ve got the King of Kings in your chest and He’s burning to get out
to Build His Kingdom in you, through you, and all around.
There’s a great grand story, of God revealing His glory, of calling all the worship Him
So don’t wait for eternity, stop worshipping half heartedly, because eternity starts right now.
This is where the party is at, His Kingdom come
From God comes real joy real peace real fun
The world is an imitation, we’ve got the real thing, the new wine.
Just fully open your heart to the Spirit, open your mind
Say “Jesus I am yours, and you are mine.”
In word and deed, lets live for the King, with everything, all of us for Him
Let’s dance like David and sing like the angels, join in the celebration
With guitar and singing and hands held high, with dancing and clapping and drum
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come.”
