
Saturday, December 14, 2013

If I Gave The Drake Commencement Speech

Thank you President Maxwell.

Hello fellow graduates and congratulations.  It is a special opportunity here at the December commencement to share the stage with not only my esteemed fellow undergraduates, but the masters, law, and doctorate graduates as well.  Your hard work and dedication is truly inspiring.  Family and friends, thank you for all of your support and love along the way.  Without you, none of us would be here.

I'm going to spend a few minutes talking about one simple word that we've all seen all over campus.  You may have walked by it and never seen it, or never thought about what it means.  In front of the library, at Olmsted, and on podiums.  In fact, its on the front of this podium right now.  Veritas.  Latin for Truth.  It is Drake's one word motto printed on our logo next to the lamp and and enlightened book, representing our academic search to shine a line in the darkness, to find what is true.  But too often, at the very place where we meant to engage this quest, we stay in the darkness.  There are three things I want to say about Truth.

1) There is Truth.

For many of us, in the classrooms of the very university whose motto is truth, we are told that there is no truth.  Perhaps we say all truth is relative, or subjective, or there is no absolute truth.  But there is a problem with that idea.  The best class I took while at Drake was called Symbolic Logic, taught by Martin Roth, which, by the way President Maxwell, I recommend should be mandatory for every incoming freshman.  In Symbolic Logic, we learned about something called the law of non-contradiction.  The law states that any statement which contradicts itself cannot be true.  For example, if I say "There is a podium and there is not a podium," I have just contradicted myself and that statement is false.  Yet, when people say "there is no truth"  they fail to realize they are committing the same mistake.  What they are really saying is: "There is one truth and that truth is there is no truth." You've just said there is a podium and there is not podium!  You're saying its true there is no truth!  So clearly, logically, there must be truth.  The same applies for those who say its absolutely true there is no absolute truth.  Or they say its absolutely true all truth is relative.  No, there is truth.  But the question still remains: what is it? And how do you find it?

2) The Truth Will Set You Free

The best definition of truth is simply that which conforms to reality, what is real.  My favorite scene in Orwell's 1984 is when he gets this revelation that he feels like screaming from the rooftops, "Truisms are true! Truisms are true!" Basically, he is saying reality is real, truth is true, words have meaning.  Then he pens these great words, "Freedom begins with be able to say that 2+2=4, all else follows."  If truth is relative, then those with enough power, and persuasion, and propaganda can make you believe and do whatever they want.  They can make you believe 2+2=5.  That is called slavery.  To be free we must seek the truth and build our lives on foundational reality, reality that is consistent and extensive, meaning that it answers the big questions of life and does so coherently.  To do any less is to live in the darkness, to leave untapped your great potential, and to not only not live up to your purpose as a Drake student, but as a human being.  So I stand here after 17 years of education and about to receive a $120,000 diploma, I have learned and declare with confidence: 2+2=4!! All else follows.  Like Jesus said, the truth shall set you free.

3) The Truth Needs Love

Truth is not an end in and of itself.  It was the noble quest for truth that led to the atom bomb and to horrendous experiments on humans by Nazi Germany.  I would warn you about the strength of scientific truth and the noble pursuit of free inquiry.  Some will will say that "The only truth is that which can be tested in a lab and everything else is sophistry and illusion."  But that statement cannot be tested in a lab, it is a philosophical statement! Like the podium or truth, it eats itself, cutting off the branch its sitting on.  Truth is more than scientific and is not the end goal.  Truth is like the foundation of a house.  If you never build anything on it, it just remains cold and hard and hurts.  We've all known that person who speaks their mind and maybe tells the truth but they're a jerk about it.  But when you build the house and fill it with people, food, and fellowship, then its meaningful.  Truth's purpose is as the foundation for love.  When you know who someone really is with all their flaws you can love them better.  When you see the reality of a business deal or political issue, you can better understand how to approach and solve it in a way that helps people. You can use the truth to hurt or for yourself, but it's real purpose is to love others. But love still needs truth because the house needs a foundation.

To conclude, I covered three points: There is truth, The Truth Sets You Free, and Truth Needs Love.  We've all been taught a lot of things about truth during our time here at school, some better than others.  But Drake's forefathers made Veritas our motto for a reason.  They saw how important it this quest was for reason, exchange of ideas, freedom, purpose, and love to flourish.  The word university comes from the two roots of unity and diversity.  It began as far back as Aristotle, who sought the "quintessence" from the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire.  The heritage of this university is seeking that quintessence, seeking Veritas, shining the lamp in the darkness to find the truth.  Seek Truth! Ask big questions and find the answers!  Don't just coast through life, getting a job and a family, and not stop to think about what we're all really here for. For me, I've found Truth is a person, Jesus Christ, and my life finds it's meaning following him.  But don't take my word for it, seek the Truth for yourself!  And don't ever stop.  Yes, we are graduating.  But its not too late to begin this journey to live out Drake's motto and call: Veritas.

Congratulations on your achievements and God bless.

Thank You.

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