
Monday, January 6, 2014

This Year's Theme: MORE

Starting three years ago, I began coming up with one word that would be my "theme" for that year.  Depending on where I was personally or what I was doing, I picked this word as something that could remind and motivate me to live out the word.  This is a big deal.  I often spend several week thinking, praying, and brewing over this vision for the next year.  The past three years were: Warrior, Hungry, and Obsessed.  Pretty good, right?

In previous years I had often had trouble coming up with a word that would set a vision for my year and motivate me.  This year, it seemed I had too many words.

This is year is a year of transition and change for me.  I have just graduated from college and concluded my 16 year football career.  I am beginning my career as a campus missionary with InterVarsity.  And although I don't even know where I will be this summer, and I very well may stay in Des Moines, I know my next step is to begin transitioning away from Drake.

But with all of this I am not really afraid or nervous, I'm excited.  I had a fantastic experience as a student and football player at Drake, but God saves the best wine for last.  I get to begin devoting myself full time to campus ministry.  I get to raise a financial and prayer support team of friends and mentors who believe in me and support what God is doing in and through me.  I get to be a leader and mentor in worship and ministry like never before.  I get to take on new responsibilities, new adventures, and new opportunities.  Basically, I'm pumped to experience God like never before and have the greatest year of my life.

It is into that I began thinking of how to denote this excitement, anticipation, and yearning in a one word theme.  I thought of LOVE; to motivate me to live out the two greatest commandments with all my heart, mind, and strength.  I thought of ZEAL; as a way to remind me of how David was zealous for the house of the Lord and vowed to never rest until God's house was built.  But ultimately these fell short of truly encapsulating the word I desired and having the ability to remind me of that feeling.

More - Lecrae

In a word, I needed more.  I needed more from these words.  And I realized that actually that feeling, that desire, was the word itself.  This year I want MORE!!  I want more zeal and more love.  I want more Holy Spirit, more prayer, and more worship.  I want more discipline, more growth, and more maturity.  Last night, I filled up a page and half all of that I wanted more of. Now, you may think that if I can fill up a page and a half then more is too broad, too generic.  But thats what makes me excited about this word! In a flash, in less than a second, it makes me think of all of these things.  But deeper than that, its not just a specific attribute or reminder.  It is a deep desire burning deep in my heart and soul. I will not be satisfied with a comfortable, cultural Christianity! I will not be satisfied with  I want more God! I want more of His Presence! I want more miracles!  I want more new believers! I want more fruit! So when I think of more, it will rekindle that fire, and light it afresh to motivate into taking action and moving forward.

More Love, More Power - Michael W. Smith

In the immediate future, I will live out my theme but taking steps each day to develop a disciplined character by engaging in more daily Bible reading, more daily prayer, and weekly fasting.  This is not the action of a man weary in doing good, acting according to burden and guilt.  Instead, I really am burning for more of all of these things.  Essentially, I want more of God in my life. And that means that I want more of all of the spiritual disciplines that will bring that about and more of the fruit of that manifest presence. When I get worn down, tired, and discouraged, I will be looking at my bracelet to reignite this fire and begin again chasing after more.

I encourage you all to think and pray about what God might be leading you to make your one word theme for this year.  May it be a constant reminder to what God wants for you this year.  As for me, I want MORE!!

God Bless

Seth Hedman

You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” 
Psalm 27:8

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